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My name is Ankush Gupta – founder of, where our vision is Experience More.  As an experienced travel enthusiast, I believe that prioritizing experiences allows us the opportunity to live happier, meaningful and more integrated lives.

Modern professional culture (especially in the US) tends to prioritize overwork and always being “busy,” often to the detriment of our health & wellness, growth, happiness and relationships. Therefore, it is imperative that we all utilize the personal & leisure time off that we earn and important that we consider reprioritizing our lives to better integrate personal and professional experiences. While we tend to know the importance of experiencing life outside of work, putting this mindset into action can be difficult to execute.

One of the best ways to experience more of life is to travel. No matter whether you are younger or older, prefer a local staycation or global exploration, travel solo or with friends/family, want budget or luxury etc., there is a path to an accessible and meaningful travel experience for anyone. Travel tends to be about the broader experience – from planning to execution to the story-telling afterwards – and the personal, professional and national economic benefits can be long-lasting.

As leisure consumption trends appear to indicate that individuals are prioritizing experiences over material items or physical gifts and that successive generations view travel as a key component to a meaningful life, there is an opportunity for all of us to encourage each other to experience more.

With a passion for encouraging experiences and spotlighting the benefits of travel and travel promotion, our mission is to be Your Destination for Travel Inspiration, Education and Innovation.

  • Inspiration: Through storytelling of our own experiences coupled with our ongoing commentary, we hope to inspire everyone to travel and experience more
  • Education: Being more informed on the personal, professional and societal benefits of travel may help shift our culture from towards actually taking time off for travel and experiences
  • Innovation: As travel brands, industry groups, research organizations, non-profit associations and individual experts spotlight travel innovation, we will try to make sense of it and discuss broader implications

Check out our About tab for more details on what motivates us, what we do, our services and the team. Thanks so much for following along with us.